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5 Key Words of Hercule Poirot



 (引用部分はHercule Poirot From Wikipedia 、5は wikibook より)

1. Belgian

During World War I, Poirot left Belgium for England as a refugee (although he returned a few times).…After the war Poirot became a private detective and began undertaking civilian cases.

2. Mustache

He was hardly more than five feet four inches but carried himself with great dignity. His head was exactly the shape of an egg, and he always perched it a little on one side. His mustache was very stiff and military.
3. The little grey cells
Poirot operates as a fairly conventional, clue-based and logical detective; reflected in his vocabulary by two common phrases: his use of "the little grey cells" and "order and method".

ポワロはかなり従来型の、手がかりを元にした論理的な探偵だ; 彼の語彙の中の二つの共通した決まり文句によって反映されている; 彼の使う 小さい灰色の脳細胞』と『秩序と方法』に。

4. Neatness
"The neatness of his attire was almost incredible. I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a bullet wound." 
5. Self-confidence
Yet, the self-confidence of Hercule Poirot sometimes turns into arrogance and conceit. Poirot shows this by saying of himself, “I am not a middle man. I am a top man” or “I am a detective” in such a manner as if he was talking about a person from an upper social class (Death on the Nile 141).