
I want to watch TV dramas and Movies in English!

名探偵ポワロ (3) ジョニー・ウェイバリー誘拐事件 The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly (3-3)


Some of my favorite scenes(英語のセリフ→日本語訳)


♪ Two men went to mow, went to mow a meadow

♪ Two men, one man and his dog, went to mow a meadow 

♪ 3 men went to mow, went to mow a meadow, went to mow a meadow

♪ 3 men, 2men, one men and his dog, went to mow a meadow...♪



陽気なこの歌は、伝統的な子供向けの歌(カウンティング・ソング)です。歌うにつれてどんどん人や動物が増えていきますね。こちらにの動画で曲が聞けます→ BBC School Radio-Counting songs : One man went to mow 


Hastings : Won't you let me into the secret? How did you know?


Poirot : It was obvious. Who sends away the servants? Can write the notes? Who can drug his wife?  Who can put the hands of the clock forward? Who can establish an alibi for his faithful retainer, Tredwell? …Tredwell has never liked his mistress, Mrs. Waverly. But he is devoted to his master.


Poirot : There were 3 of them in it... Waverly, Tredwell, and his niece, Jessie Withers, who gets herself sacked as noisily as possible so that she can arrange the decoy, Logers, pick up the boy from the mausoleum, and drive him away to the little cottage in the woods. It was apparent, Hastings. I shall see you in London.


Hastings : Why won't you let me drive you?


Poirot : Hastings, the train has one advantage over the car. It does not often run out of coal!



◆let a person into a [the] secret  人に秘密を明かす

◆the hands of the clock  時計の針